As someone who has been a spiritual seeker my whole life, the idea of
"tuning into my intuition"
has been both completely alluring, and annoyingly frustrating.
I don't see visuals during meditations, I don't have premonitions, and I don't have any clairvoyant skills. But I always really really wanted that "specialness" of these kinds of psychic gifts.
Who wouldn't?
And, as a person who has leaned heavily on the comfort of her intellect her whole life, getting out of my head and into my body to "feel intuitive guidance" always felt really stupid and unattainable, and I never connected to anybody who tried to instruct or explain how to do this. I thought my connection to my intuition and my higher self was just broken.
Can you relate?
As part of my own professional development as an Acupuncturist, I wanted to fine tune my language and communication skills with patients, and so I did my NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) practitioner training in 2024 with the remarkable Amy Bell who is a legendary NLP trainer in Australia. Her brilliant guidance and training finally helped me unlock my relationship with my intuition in a clear and unmistakable way.
Ten months down the track and I can say with confidence that I utilise this relationship with my intuition every single day, and I use this for every decision I make, and I no longer get stuck in my head feeling doubtful, unsure, pro/con about choices I am making in my life. And it has been profound!
Looking back, I was getting physical signals from my intuition all my life, I just didn't know how to decipher the signalling, or had chalked them up to "feeling anxious", but now I have a clear understanding of what different sensations are when I feel them in my body in response to different options being presented to me in life. As if I am now having a daily conversation with my intuition rather than my mind full of doubts and questions.
What this means now, is that when I am offered a choice to do something, or need to make a decision about something (from a new job, to whether I should walk right or left on my dog walk), I get a very clear instantaneous YES or NO signal in my body. I don't question it, I don't let my mind try and understand it, I just follow it. And ever since I have done this, magic is constantly unfolding in my life!
Intuition could also be called your unconscious mind.
The unconscious is so fascinating; It has collected every piece of data you have ever ingested, every memory, every sight and sound, every like and dislike, it knows everything about you. It has you completely mapped. Which means your unconscious knows what kinds of choices and pathways are perfect for your growth and line up with the destiny that was set for you at birth.
If we were living our day to day having to keep all the information stored at the level of the unconscious mind in our conscious mind, we would be so completely overwhelmed with information that we would be paralysed.
Which is why we live in the day to day at the level of the conscious mind; having access to a limited amount of data in the forfront of our brain. However, the unconscious is always paying attention, and is constantly chiming in on what you are doing, even if you are completely unaware of this, and don't yet understand the way your unconscious is speaking to you.
For me, I call my unconscious my wise woman. (Really it is me, I am my wise woman), but she has access to so much depth about me, that I may not have access to up on this superficial level.
And now that I have learned the language of know how she speaks to me, I consult her for everything, and she is clear, consistent and repeatable. The more that I do this, and trust those signals, the more aligned and in flow I feel in my life, evidenced by the extraordinary way that events are now unfolding; networking with the right people, investing in projects, growth is happening in my business, my finances are flourishing, and I am loving every moment of it!
When you are only used to living in your head, and are quite disconnected from your body, it can be tricky to start paying attention to the feelings and sensations of your body, which is where your intuition lives and speaks to you. It will take some practice to begin cultivating a new relationship with your intuition. It also requires a level of trusting yourself, and steering away from overthinking.
What does a full body YES feel like in your body?
What does a full body NO feel like in your body?
Do you already know?
Here is an NLP exercise for you to practice:
Sit or stand somewhere you can relax, close your eyes and bring to mind something that you already know, with every fibre of your being, is a 100% full body yes for you in life.
(Pro tip: keep it simple. Examples might be: "I love my dog", "I love my family", "I love being in nature" or something else relevant for you).
Without thinking about it, what do you start to notice happening in your body as a response to the statement you just said? What sensations do you notice,? Where are they in your body? Do they have a colour or a temperature? Do they have movement to them?
Test it out. Come up with another statement of something that you know is a 100% full body yes, and see what responses your body gives you. (I have noticed that the stronger the emotional charge is to the statement, the more intense the sensations can be).
* Note: If you live most of your life stuck in your head, and disconnected from your body (so many of us right?), you may find this exercise challenging at first. It does require you to pay attention to what you are "feeling" and move away from the habit of "thinking".
Start noticing every time you feel these sensations in your life, as your intuition is trying to steer you towards something on offer!
Give yourself daily low-stakes opportunities to ask your intuition for guidance. Which direction to take your morning walk, which jacket to wear, whcih meal to cook for dinner etc, so you can begin to feel and notice the repeatable sensations you are feeling.
As I practitioner my aim is serve people in a way that helps them make transformational change in their lives.
Witnessing personal growth, ah ha moments, and massive dot connecting in my patients is the reason I go to work every day.
My main tools to support this change work in my patients has been Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and yin yoga. Now I am adding NLP into my tool kit.
I believe strongly that if all humans were deeply connected to their intuition, they would be able to make confident choices in their lives, have a deep sense of trusting themselves instead of constantly looking for external advice, and they would be in their bodies rather than stuck in their heads.
I am now working 1:1 with people to help them learn and feel the language of their intuition. These sessions are called "Align", and they are all about helping someone get back into alignment with themselves.
I'm offering these sessions 1:1 in person, and also online which is super powerful.
[All Melbourne Austalia times]
In-person sessions at my Newport clinic are available Tues - Thurs: 10:30am - 8pm
On-line sessions are available Mondays 11:30am - 3pm
I'm also running a Yin Yoga Day Retreat this year, where I will be guiding the group through these NLP processes and helping to connect them to their intuitive superpowers, as well as facilitating a yin yoga class with additional Acupuntcure and Yoga Nidra to complete the day.
Sat 15th March
12pm - 5pm
Lotus Yoga Studio, Queenscliff, VIC, Australia
Investment $295
I hope this article has you curious about how you can also connect with your deep intuitive superpowers.
Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know.
Love Karina x